9 Simple Ways to Gain Exposure as a Poet

“Writing is more than having an idea. It’s also about the process.”

Being a poet is an incredible gift. You can weave words in a way that touches the hearts and souls of others. However, gaining exposure as a poet can be daunting, and finding an audience that appreciates your work can be challenging. With so many writers and poets worldwide, how do you make your work stand out?

Below, we'll explore nine creative ways to gain exposure as a poet. Whether you're just starting out or an experienced writer, these tips will help you reach a wider audience and share your work with the world.

Join a poetry group.

Joining a poetry group is an excellent way to connect with other poets, share your work, and receive feedback. You can easily find local poetry groups in your community or join online poetry forums. These groups offer a supportive community to help you develop your craft and connect with fellow poets.

Attend poetry readings.

Attending poetry readings is a great way to experience poetry in person and meet other poets. You can participate in open mic sessions to read your work in front of a live audience or listen to other poets read their work.

These events are often free or low-cost in coffee shops, bookstores, and community centers. Additionally, these events and readings can provide new inspiration for your writing.

Submit your work to poetry journals.

Life's too short to doubt yourself, especially in the social media age. Just write and submit. Then repeat the process!

Literary journals (ex. The New Yorker, The Paris Review) are a great way to build your publishing credentials and reach a wider audience. Look for publications that align with your style and submit your work for consideration.

Many journals will accept submissions from new and emerging poets. Additionally, countless journals exclusively focus on poetry, and submitting your work is often free or low cost. This tactic can provide excellent exposure and can even lead to paid opportunities.

Create a blog or website.

Starting a poetry blog is an excellent way to share your work with others and gain exposure. You can use your blog to showcase your poetry, share your thoughts and experiences as a poet, and connect with other poets. It's an excellent way to attract new readers and build a loyal following.

Allow social media to work for you.

With over 4 billion users worldwide, social media is a powerful tool for poets. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are marketing hubs for people looking to build a community. You can share your poems, connect with others, sell your books, and collaborate on projects.

Participate in poetry challenges.

Many poetry challenges, such as National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo), offer daily prompts and challenges for poets. Participating in these challenges is an excellent way to challenge yourself, develop your craft, and share your work with others.

Attend writing conferences, workshops, and classes.

Writing conferences offer unique opportunities for poets to connect with other writers, attend workshops, and gain exposure. Many conferences allow you to pitch your work to publishers and agents, and some even host poetry readings.

Likewise, workshops and classes are fantastic ways to improve your craft and learn from other writers. They also provide an opportunity to network with other poets and writers, helping you build a support community.

Collaborate with other artists.

Collaborating with other poets can be a fun and creative way to gain exposure as a poet. You can collaborate on projects incorporating your poetry into music or visual art or write poems inspired by another artist's work. This collaborative effort can help you reach a new audience and create new opportunities.

Host your own events.

Hosting your own poetry events is one of the best ways to generate word-of-mouth popularity. It's your event, so you set the stage. You can create events such as poetry readings or writing contests and invite other poets to participate. This allows you to showcase your work and build relationships with other writers.


Being a poet takes courage, vulnerability, and a lot of hard work. Gaining exposure can be challenging, but it's not impossible. With the right strategy and approach, you can build a loyal following and share your work with the world. Keep writing, and your voice will be heard.

Thank you for reading. If you’re looking to build your poetry and writing career, consider joining the Poetry & Author Community of A Writers Business.