Author Interview Series - Anthony Aaron Richards
Anthony Aaron Richards was born Anthony La Forgia - grew up a very adventurous young boy and that followed him into his adult years - Anthony is a pusher of positive energy to everyone he meets - he has been an business owner, in corporate management with a masters in psychology and a life long learner. January 28th 1990 Anthony Aaron Richards was finally born - the stories just took over and started to hit paper - from a children’s story followed that with a couple of sorts - followed by the child years - that was a time to explode with fun imagination and fun activities with his boys. Anthony picked at writing the whole time, but no real output until 1999 with Example of Power - his first thriller followed a year later with the Chronicles of Vengance. Read the full interview with this talented writer below.
Where do you live and how does it influence your writing
Florida, for me it's not so much the place I live - it's more the places I write about. I have to visit all the places in my stories, I need to feel, taste, see, touch and understand their vibe in order to put it on paper. I did escape Florida and made my way to North Carolina for 14 year's - which is where the writing was born, Jan. 28th 1990 at 7:04am. I do like the pace of the little fishing town I live in, in Florida - I'm calm where there is water and sunsets.
When did you first become passionate about writing and what attracted you to it
I think it's best to start from the beginning, my grandmother managed a local bookstore and office supply store in Sarasota. I was lucky enough to spend weekdays after school there and she would have one of the employee's read to me. Before long I was picking the books and leaning how to read at a very young age. As you can imagine I turned into a great storyteller making up all kinds of adventurous tales, but it wasn't until that morning in 1990 that stories hit paper - I was laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling counting the little holes in the tiles (42 by the way) my head traveled through one of those holes and into the attic, where a city was born with outdoor creatures and a squirrel from the city who hopped on a truck delivering nuts to the next town. so I began with children stories then moved into thrillers. I know the real question is when I became passionate - My answer is, since I could turn a page.
What inspires you to write
What doesn't, the world today is so on all the time, but when you can make a person smile at words on a page - now that's something. Ok, the answer is writing characters that help other in some way - helping the underdog out seems to be my thing.
How do you market your books
I start with little story notes and clues on Instagram, Facebook and have published on amazon. I have learned a lot since then and will follow a more active plan next time around. I would like to find an agent, who sees the possibilities of my work.
Do you support yourself through writing financially or do you have a day job and what is it
Not really, but some day. Hoping on an agent and some sort of deal for the series soon. I am a retired therapist, turned national insurance agent - sounds sexy right...
How many hours a day do you spend writing and what helps you get into the writing mood
Well for me it's a day long journey, meaning a couple of hours before work and a couple during work and then I wonder in and out in the evening. I guess the bottom-line is always - that is how I have my life set up. The mood question - I look at the world everyday with the possibility of an idea popping.
What's the best moment you've had with your writing career so far
Sitting in Savannah Ga. with my wife having dinner as book 1 hit Amazon (a big part of the book is in and around that area) but the day I ran into a fan of the book was over the moon - she shook my hand and began telling me about my character and you could tell she got her (Raven).
How do you respond to writers block
I don't want to come off as some super writer who doesn't believe in writers block, but every since I started this wonderful journey, it's something I have never had to worry about - in my head it really has no place...
What are you working on next
Well my current project is seven books long with two stand alone books related to the series - and maybe followed by Raven going to Europe - ok, of course she is going to Europe... I do have a piece about a very famous American author I work on from time to time.
Where would you like to see yourself in three years time
With an agent, writing fulltime and making readers smile with my books, that a simple recipe right...
Don’t miss out to grab a copy of Anthonys Book on Amazon!
To learn more about Anthony Aaron Richards visit him on his website: or follow him on Twitter - @writeit1990 or Instagram - tony.laforgia.7