Poet Interview Series: Vic Lejon

Today we are super stoked to interview another super talented Poet and author. Vic Lejon is a writer and freelancer based in northern Germany. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and English Language and Linguistics. 

After completing her studies in the UK, she solo-travelled through Europe, New Zealand and Australia. Vic began writing her first novel while waiting at airports and train stations. 

In her free time, she loves to cook and spend time with her dogs. 


Where do you live and how does it influence your writing? 

I'm a restless soul. Currently, I live in the countryside north of Hamburg, surrounded by forests, animals and the sea. Nature plays a big part in my day-to-day life. This reflects in my work. Many of my poems reference on-going environmental issues. 

When did you first become passionate about poetry and what attracted you to it? 

My first poems were in German. I did not stick to a particular rhyme scheme or form. Poetry came to me naturally and helped put the chaos of my inner world into order. I was around 14 when I wrote my first poem. 

What inspires you to write? 

Conversations, places, the arts. A random word can sometimes stimulate me to write. Inspiration lurks everywhere. Not writing is no longer an option for me. 

Do you publish your Poetry on other channels but Instagram? 

There is a selection of poems on my website (www.viclejon.com) but my main channel is Instagram. 

Who is your favourite instapoet and why? 

It's hard to narrow it down. I love S.M Ashford's work. Her ability to put complex thoughts into succinct and aesthetic poems is magical. 

Can you tell us a little about your writing process? How do you come up with poems and how do you edit them? 

Poems come to me at the oddest times and places so I usually scribble them down in the notes app on my phone. On lucky days, I carry a notepad with me. 

I don't have an editing plan as such. Some poems pour out of me within a few minutes and barely need editing (in my opinion). Others need days or weeks until I have tweaked them to my liking. 

Do you support yourself through writing financially, or do you have a day job and what is it? 

Unfortunately, writing is not a source of income for me yet. 

After uni, I have supported myself with freelancing jobs (writing, social media management, translations, admin). 

How many hours a day do you spend writing and what helps you to get into the writing mood? 

This varies. I write every day but the times will depend on how busy my schedule is and how creative I feel. It can be hours of non-stop writing or a ten-minute session. 

Reading or listening to music will usually get me into the writing mood. 

And what’s the best moment you’ve had with your poetry so far? 

The best moment I have had with my poetry was also a tough moment. My great-aunt was the first person I ever showed my writings to. She was a writer too and understood the fragility I felt in sharing my words. Before her, no one else had been 'allowed' to read my work. 

The poems I showed her were extremely personal, about my struggles with mental health. It brought us closer together. After she passed away recently, I decided to share my work with others. The response has been lovely. 

How do you respond to writer’s block or not knowing what to write? 

When I can’t write, I read. Or take a walk by the beach. 

What are you working on next? 

Finishing my first poetry collection. I plan to self-publish it at the beginning of 2020. The collection divides into four parts. It is a poetic exploration of love, mental health, society and a chapter dedicated to mother earth. I wanted to include poems that raise awareness and reflect our current struggles with global warming. 

After my poetry book, I would love to finish the novel I started on my travels. 

Where would you like to see yourself in three years time? 

Writing. Hopefully, full-time. 

What is your strategy to grow your audience? 

Be kind and supportive. Post regularly. Write what you want, not what the Instagram algorithm or others might want to hear. 

What advice would you give young poets just starting out? 

Write every single day. No matter what. You are not going to like everything you create but as long as you’re writing, you are training the writer's muscle. 

Do you think poetry has a greater purpose? 

Absolutely. Poetry has always had a greater purpose than just being pretty words. It is a deliberation of society and a brilliant way to express deep emotion. Thanks to social media, I'm happy to see it rise in popularity and allow people worldwide to feel connected and understood. 

To see more beautiful poetry from this talented artist check out her website www.viclejon.com and make sure to follow her wonderful Instagram account  https://www.instagram.com/vic.l.poetry/!