Poet Interview Series: Tati Petkovic
Today we are super proud to introduce you the wonderful writer and creator Tajana Petkovic, also known as Tati. Tati is an artist who has creates art, photography, interactive installations and designs books and writes poetry. She is a Leo Sun, Libra Rising and Cancer Moon. Her astrological perspective influences her poetry and her design work.
In 2014, Tati obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design from OCAD University, and in 2018, her Master’s Degree in Digital Media from Ryerson University. She is the Creative Director of Tatjana Petkovic Design and Moon Sign Supplies, as well as, a Sessional Instructor at OCAD University.
After facing the death of her father at age eleven, Tati has learned not to take life for granted and to pursue what she truly loves. She is always determined to trust and appreciate the process. She hopes to make others feel less alone in their heartbreaks and personal journeys of self.
Where do you live and how does it influence your writing?
I live in Toronto. I do mention Toronto and other parts of Canada in my poetry. It has influenced the imagery I’ve put within my poetry book, Revisions of the Moon, as most of my film photos were taken in Toronto. However, I focus more on the emotions felt within that space, if I do mention a place.
When did you first become passionate about poetry and what attracted you to it?
My father was a poet, so he was a major influence of mine growing up. I was always attracted to evoking emotion within a string of words, in how pacing can affect a feeling. As a graphic designer, I was taught how to visually communicate a concept. I was also taught the importance of the content behind what I was communicating. I still relate poetry to design, as now I am trying to communicate emotions from words.
Poetry to me is a form of release of my own emotions. It is very healing and therapeutic to me. I really hope by me sharing it it helps people in some shape or form.
What inspires you to write?
Love, loss, identity and growth. The feelings felt from personal life experiences.
Do you support yourself through writing financially, or do you have a day job and what is it?
No, I am currently am a freelance Graphic Designer, and I own an astrology inspired stationary brand called Moon Sign Supplies. I also currently teach Graphic Design at OCAD University.
How many hours a day do you spend writing and what helps you to get into the writing mood?
I write very sporadically. I am not a full-time writer, so I only write when inspiration strikes. This can be at any time, so sometimes I’m just commuting and I’ll write my poems on my phone. Sometimes I can’t sleep so I write.
I try not to force it, but I tend to usually write during hard stages of my life.
And what’s the best moment you’ve had with your poetry so far?
Slowly releasing my poetry onto my instagram has been one of them, as no one in my audience or network knew I wrote poetry. It took people by surprise. It was such a release and the support and response has made me feel so grateful. I finally felt I could be myself at the age of 28. It was very freeing.
Also just holding a copy of my poetry book, Revisions of the Moon, in my hands. It was a work-in-progress for about 3 years, so seeing it in person completed was very fulfilling.
What are you working on next?
I am currently trying to get my poetry book, Revisions of the Moon, to a publisher to take on the 2nd edition printing. I would love to make the book more accessible to as many people as people.
Where would you like to see yourself in three years time.
I see myself financially stable (finally), as a New York times Best selling author, and having over 100,000 Youtube subscribers on my youtube channel Revisions of the Moon. And yes, I am manifesting.
What advice would you give young poets just starting out?
SHARE your work. Don’t be afraid to share who you truly are as a Poet. It’s so freeing to not care what others think of you. Be your authentic self.
Do you think poetry has a greater purpose?
I think poetry has a lot of purposes.
It can make people reflect on themselves and their own situations, and help them convey their own emotions, and see things in a different light. It is also so therapeutic to write and share as the author. It becomes magical when others can relate to the emotions, the feelings, or the experiences.
We can never really measure the effect of how poetry can move someone. But that’s what also makes it beautiful.
Revisions of the Moon
Don’t miss out to grab a copy of Tatis book “Revisions of the Moon” on here…
and follow her journey by subscribing/visiting her on the below channels: