Poet Interview: Tamsey

Today we introduce you to instgram poet Tamsey . Tamsey lives far away from here and is a girl who struggled with borderline personality disorder (including anxiety and depression) and still struggle with anxiety attacks. She started writing when she was 17 years old, at that time she had her very first panic attack. It all started when war began in her country.. Tamsey was afraid to stay alone, not lonely but alone, on my own. Tamsey loves art , museums, theatres, drawing, painting, and of course writing. She also loves it when people ask her questions, especially about her experiences as she wants to share and help other people. Makes sure to follow her on Instagram here… See the full interview below.


Where do you live and how does it influence your writing?

I live everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I travel a lot, its my therapy. I am not rich, but I make my money and I spend it on myself. Tickets are not that expensive though. Place where I live has nothing to do with my writing. But my room is special, its a place where I edit my poems and give them life. I am from Georgia. 

When did you first become passionate about poetryand what attracted you to it?

I always wanted to be a singer, but I don't have voice. When I was young, I knew how to play on piano and I was making up some things. Then I started to articulate my thoughts into writing and I realized that I am better at writing then speaking. Its easier for me to write down what I think about particular object, then talk about it. If you have issues with this, I totally recommend to write everything you think about. I have lots of journals and diaries.

What inspires you to write?

First thing that inspired me to write was my disorder. I was constantly writing about my inner self, my demons and thoughts about life. Then when I fell in love with one person, all I was writing about was love. But all my poems were sad, because my love life was sad as well. He inspired me to write lots of love story poems.he was the reason why I call myself poet. I still write poems about him, because he have special place in heart. So he is my inspiration. 

Do you publish your Poetry on other channels but Instagram?

Only place where I publish my poems is my insta page. I write a lot in my journals and phone. 

Who is your favorite Instapoet and why?

I don't have favorite insta poet, i like them all. All of them have their special story. All of them for me are beautiful, story and sadness in individual. Poetry is like country song for me - it is made for sadness. All best sad stories come from poems.

Can you tell us a little about your writing process? How do you come up with poems and how do you edit them?

I write poems only when I am sad. It happened only once when I wrote poem while being happy. I liked one guy( after my first love) and I was happy so I wrote happy poetry about him. 

Do you support yourself through writing financially, or do you have a day job and what is it?

I don't make money by writing my poems, its just a hobby. But I really want to make a poetry book, all my poems are connected and I want to write them all together into one book. Maybe someday I will. :) 

How many hours a day do you spend writing and what helps you to get into the writing mood?

I write when I feel to write. I don't sit and think about it. When it is right time, everything comes into my mind and I just pick my pen and write everything on paper. 

I am inspired by lots of things this days. Modern life, love, society. My phone notes are full with poems :)

Where would you like to see yourself in three years time.

I have planned my life for 5 years. I want to be married and happy. I want to have a baby. I want to be who I want to be. I want to travel to Australia, driving my car with my family. 

What advice would you give young poets just starting out?

I am that young poet who is just starting out, so I can take some advice.:)

Do you think poetry has a greater purpose?

Poetry can change lives, like songs do. It makes you feel alive, makes you feel that you are not alone. Poetry has power!